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Who are your sporting heroes and what do you admire the most about them?
I don’t really have a sporting hero, but my favourite athlete is Nick Kygrios. I really like his creativity and confidence on court.
Which coaching style do you think gets the best out of you?
I get the most out of coaches who really enjoy the sport, understand my game and are willing to work with me to help me achieve my goals.
On average, how many hours a day were you practicing before the lockdown?
I was practicing around 15 hours per week.
Do you do any specific training off the table? If so, which are the main exercises you do?
I work with my gym trainer 2-3 times per week to help improve my physical strength. The exercises he sets compliment my on-table training focusing on leg strength, core and other table tennis related muscles. I also have a psychologist that I work with regularly.
What are the main highlights in your Table Tennis journey so far?
My highlight so far would be having the opportunity to travel to so many different countries to play a sport that I love. I hope I have many more opportunities to do so once the lockdown is over.
How do you balance studying with your Table Tennis?
I was studying one subject via online school this year to trial the online system. (Although they are now all online due to Covid-19.) When I am not training, I try to use my time as effectively as possible to catch up with schoolwork and to get ahead. When I am away from home, we try to set times in a place where I can do my school work so as not to not fall behind. When away, if our schoolwork is not up to date we cannot train.
Image from Finns Instagram
Have you endured any injuries that you had to deal with?
I have had minor injuries in my shoulder and tailbone.
Do you have a specific diet you have to follow, and are there any foods you don’t enjoy that you force yourself to eat?
No, I just try to keep my diet relatively healthy and nutritious. (I stay away from tomatoes.)
If you could achieve anything in Table Tennis, what would it be?
If I could achieve anything in table tennis it would be to reach the top 20 rankings in the world and win a world tour title.
What is the one thing you need to work on right now to improve the most?
One thing that I need to work on right now is my reaction time and anticipation of the ball. My reaction time is quite slow and I would like to improve that area of my game.