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You have been in the top hundred for 2 years now and are the currently ranked 75, what improvements have you made in your game in order to achieve this?
Firstly, it took many years of hard work, then I started to play more Latin American and Pro Tour events and my results began improving. This increased my motivation to keep improving as I started to believe I could be a top player in the world.
Can you rank from 1-5 in order of most importance?….Fitness, Technique, Serve, Work Rate, Mental Toughness?
For me….1. Fitness. 2. Mental Toughness. 3. Serves. 4. Work Rate. 5. Technique.
What are you currently working on the most in your game?
I am focusing the most in keeping my body in shape and also my speed. It is very important for me to stay in tip top shape physically if I am to continue to play at the top level. Also, I always continue to work on good mentality in practice, positivity in the hall is very important!
Do you think you regard yourself as a hard worker or more of a talented player, or maybe both?
I would have to say more of a hard worker with a little bit of talent. I went to China for one year when I was 14 and practiced for 7-8 hours per day which helped my game a lot.
If you could choose one player to watch, who would it be and why?
I have to give you 2 old school players, Jan-Ove Waldner and Kalinikos Kreanga. I simply love watching these guys play!
Many players suffer from nerves, can you give 2 tips on how to cope with pressure?
My tips would be to practice as many similar pressure situations you can in the hall. Pressure is normal and how to deal with it must be practiced as much as possible.
Image from Marcos Instagram
What are your 2 favourite drills?
My first favourite drill is F/H in 3 points (Wide, Middle & in B/H Corner) as this works on my movement, my strength and it’s a great conditioning exercise. Secondly, I like play serve v B/H Free Table as it’s more like a match, works on my reflexes and I focus mainly on stability.
Finally, what would Marcos Madrid need to do to become the best player on the planet?
I think I am a complete player but I suppose my B/H and overall fitness could be improved. My main issue is that I have never really had 1 team that I could always practice with or a physical or mental coach to help me. My whole career I have mainly been alone and am always having to search for and pay for help. This being said, I also need to more consistent and believe in myself a little more and I will continue to work hard to achieve my dreams.