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Where it all began?
Everything began when I was 7 on a terrace in Paris with my brother.
Happiest moment on the Table?
Happiest and most difficult at the same time was the final of the French championship 2019 (lost 4-2 against Akkuzu). I had plenty of injuries before this and I managed to put in such a great performance (beating Angles, Flore and Gauzy In front of 2500 spectators). I was really proud of what I did.
Most difficult opponent?
The most difficult opponent when I was a kid was probably Ouaiche. (He put every ball back on the table).
Favourite drill?
Free to backhand.
Favourite Tournament and why?
French Championships – I think it has an amazing atmosphere and now more and more people are coming to watch so it’s “Huge”. Also, it’s becoming more and more crowded in my club Caen TTC with our last match played in front of over 1000 spectators it was AMAZING!
One great tip for any aspiring young players?
Do it with passion!!
Image from Antoines Instagram