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How would you describe your Coaching style?
Every player is different, so I look at each individual players game and then decide what strategies we need to practice.
What type of players do best with your Coaching methods?
Simple, players that want to LEARN!
What mental tools do you give your players to cope with pressure?
To stay in the process, to do the right things after what we decide beforehand. Don’t focus on results.
We love your quote.. ‘The Boring Things Give The Best Results’….what did you mean by this?
Much of what we do is repetition, you must do it with discipline but still have fun when you practice. Like service practice or receive practice.
You also work with one of the upcoming superstars, Truls Moregard, what sets him apart from the rest in your opinion?
How he reads the game and moves to the ball and how he practices the same way he plays matches.
If you could choose one player to Coach, who would it be and why?
Samsonov, because he can still do things better! (if he was younger, perhaps).
Image from Peters Instagram
What are your favourite 2 Table drills?
Free irregular on 70% from B/H corner, you change B/H/F/H topspin close to table. Start with service and receive on same place. (make 1-2 B/H and 1-2 F/H with irregular changing from B/H and F/H topspin.